If there’s one thing I’ve learned on this five month hiatus is that Darren Hardy was right: it’s so much easier once you have the ball rolling than to stop and start again. The momentum I had helped build my confidence in writing. I was motivated to share my thoughts. I allowed myself to be vulnerable… and then I stopped.
Instead, I invested my time learning other things. I’ve also discovered that I have the attention span of a 2-year-old. Well, maybe I can concentrate for more than 6 minutes, but I also tend to spread myself too thin. But the absence of writing made me miss the part of me that loved to learn about myself.
I missed the part of me that permitted quiet reflection. The part that let the critic take a back seat and just let my thoughts be. The part that discovered a self separate from work, family, and friends. So here we are. Mustering up the courage to pick up where we left off.
If you follow me on Instagram (@kaiffeinated), you know I’ve finally moved out. Yay, bills! Anyway, I didn’t realize just how much I love making art until I was in the process of moving. I organized my artsy craftsy knick-knacks, sorted through tubes of all kinds of paints, and packed drawers full of (mostly new) sketchbooks. I kid you not, about 95% of my things were art supplies. Dead serious. My family can attest to this. They know because they helped me carry all my shit up a flight of stairs.
I can’t make up for the five months I’ve been away—more like five months I’ve been afraid. But I will continue to write. Not only to feed my soul, but I’m hoping my art and my writing will also make your soul smile.
I know art matters. Yours and mine. If you listen closely, deep down, art calls upon us to ignite the fire—the passion—within. It’s waiting so eagerly for the opportunity to shine. So let it. We owe it the world. Because art helps the world keep its colors.
Oh, I feel so much better. See Kai, this isn’t as daunting as you imagined it to be.
Create opportunities and love yourself always,